Disaster Preparedness in Schools

July 15, 2014

Disasters can strike at any time. Because of this, it is important to be prepared no matter what the situation. With children spending a large portion of their day at school, there must be at least some education with disaster preparedness pertaining to school. Make sure your child knows how to react should a disaster happen at their school. While they may not be able to control their surroundings, they will control how they choose to react to them.

Disasters Impact Kids Differently


The way a disaster will impact a child and the way it will influence an adult are two completely different things. Because of this, it is even more important for children to understand the potential of danger, and know how to react should something unexpected happen. When a child is injured, it is different from an adult. They are more likely to have damaging and lasting effects than an adult would. This includes loss of oxygen, fluid loss, and extreme temperatures.

In most dangerous situations, kids will take the initiative from their parents or other adults in what to do. Because of this, it is crucial that teachers and other school leaders are properly instructed on how to protect kids in these situations. Every school disaster will be different from tornadoes to earthquakes, from gas leaks to school shootings. Make sure that teachers are familiar with the potential disasters in their area and know how to react should one of these happen. When adult leaders are able to take charge of a situation, more lives can be kept safe.

Kids in Preparation


Just like adults, kids need to be prepared for any disaster situation that could happen. There are two ways in which to do this, the first being to include them in disaster preparations. Put together 72-hour kits and medical supplies to have on hand should something dangerous happen. When the kids are an active participant in these preparations, they will better understand the importance of each, and the potential dangers that might be there. Help use these moments to teach them how to be prepared in emergency situations.

The second way to help kids prepare is by running drills on a regular basis. These should be unannounced, and should have kids treating them as if they are the real situations. Those running the drills should watch the children and how they react, being prepared to teach them should any mistakes be made.

Kids send a great deal of their time at school, make sure they are prepared should disaster strike while they are here. Through proper planning, your child can be kept safe in any situation. Teach your children the importance of school safety and how to react in potentially dangerous situations.

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